01 April 2009

Creating and Providing Food that is Morally and Ethically Healthy

This post is definitely going to be a RANT.

RAND RAPIDS, Mich. — The West Michigan Whitecaps say they have no plans to put a warning label on an enormous new hamburger they're selling this season — despite a vegan advocacy group's request to do just that.
Susan Levin, a staff dietitian for the Washington-based Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, sent a letter to the Grand Rapids minor-league team on Tuesday. She's asking that the 4,800-calorie burger be labeled a "dietary disaster" that increases the risk of cancer and heart disease.
The 4-pound, $20 burger features five beef patties, five slices of cheese, nearly a cup of chili and liberal doses of salsa and corn chips — all on an 8-inch bun.
Whitecaps spokesman Mickey Graham says the burger is a gimmick that's being promoted as a very unhealthy menu item.

This came across the Comcast News this morning.  Now I love a burger, maybe more than the next Gal; but this is disgusting.  Seriously, why are we letting food companies get away with stuff?  I don't understand why food manufacturers are allowed to create, manufacture, market and sell so much of the crap that's out there...all under the guise of a healthy meal for your family.  And the restaurants that cook this food?!  One of my least favorite shows on FoodNetwork right now is Diners, Drive-ins and Dives.  I really don't care for Guy "Fiero" (I coulda whupped his ass that season) and the way the guy eats back in the kitchens of these joints, on the cooking line...gross!
Anyway, occasionally he will feature a place that actually serves creative, interesting food.  95% of the time, it's all over processed, packaged food products disguised as "Home cooking" and it's nothing but a heart attack on a plate.
I know that as humans we are given free choice and we cannot protect everyone from themselves...but where is the integrity?


  1. Keep in mind that we're talking about a Minor League Baseball organization. And ball-park food. Labeling it a "dietary disaster" would probably boost sales.

    Nobody shoves a four-pound burger onto an unwilling person. It's like Leaving Las Vegas, but the saturated fat version of it.

    And PCRM is a vegan outfit, so it's hardly surprising they'd object. I can't disagree with them, being Mostly Veg myself, but I also have to allow people the right to eat stupidly. Especially at the ballpark.

    As a general rant, I'm with you about integrity and non-processed foods. But there's something sacred about eating badly at a ballgame. It's one of the few places I take in a hot dog. And garlic fries. And pretzels. And...

  2. Well put Seth. Despite being a kind, sensitive "Mostly Veg" Head, you are still such a guy! And ya know, you can actually get a healthy, not-full-of-any-creepy-stuff hot dog at home...Nathan's and Hebrew National are both deelish. Ya know, if you weren't able to get to the ballpark in time...?!
