22 April 2009

Last year before Christmas, I entered my Teriyaki Burgers w/ Wasabi-Citrus Mayo on Epicurious.com for a Tailgating Recipe Contest. I made it as a Top Ten Finalist. woo hoo! The contest was then turned over to the cyber world for voting - basically an internet popularity contest - Top 3 would go to Florida - Super Bowl - and compete in a cook-off. As it turned out, whoever knew the most people with access to the most computers won. I tied for a lackluster 4th place and stayed in Sunny PDX that first weekend in February. That's ok, it was kind-of exciting for awhile to rally people to vote for me and get their friends to vote. Good fun.
Then last week my Top Ten Finalist PRIZE arrived! 
The only way to descibe it: a "Cookbook Kit". Great. I really needed one of those. It was fully generic, no personalization in the cookbook whatsoever, except for the name of the woman at Epicurious who was obviously responsible for ordering it from the Cookbook Kit company. "Specially Prepared for YOU"!
The note reads, "Dear Jill, Congratulations again on being a finalist in the tailgating recipe contest. Enjoy your prizes and thank you for your patience". huh?

This is the e-mail I just sent to Epicurious.com:

Dear Epicurious,
I really have to let you know how utterly dissapointed in the "prize" you sent for the Tailgating Recipe Contest Top Ten Finalists. It wasn't personalized in any way, you didn't give any of the recipe authors/creators any credit, Katie Ghelli's name was on the greeting page and it wasn't even assembled. Prize? Really? Is it made from recycled materials? Can I compost it? Lame. Jilly Gossett

Too harsh?


  1. Oh, Bean! How very anti-climactic ....

  2. Definitely a let down. I'd expect better from them.

    I felt that way when our college age son Michael came home from a renowned International acting competition. He'd competed at several levels to get to the international level. He took 1st place. They did give him a medal. It was made in advance, with the competition name, no year or even placement on the medal(1st place). It was identical to what all other winners received...and all other participants. He received an equally generic piece of paper, again without year of competition, placement or name. Makes it pretty hard to use as proof of accomplishment.
